Freedom of Expression !๐Ÿคจ

Freedom of expression based is on respect for the opinions and beliefs of others whether you agree with this or not ! We’re supposed to respect everyone, not to abuse or make fun of religions (Islam-Christianity-Judaism-…..), Races (Black-White) or nationalities. Because if we keep on this, we will create “Hatred”๐Ÿ—ฏ that leads to “Violence”โšก thatContinue reading “Freedom of Expression !๐Ÿคจ”

What Makes your country special ? (Part 7)

31-Palestine: It’s also known as “kobet El Sakhra”, it represents the art of islamic architecture, A mosque has a gold circle dome. It’s a church in the christian quarter of the city of Jerusalem, the site where Jesus crucified (Christian teachings) The oldest and largest olive tree in the world.๐Ÿ’š It’s popular dish in Palestine,Continue reading “What Makes your country special ? (Part 7)”

What Makes your country special ? (Part 6)

26-Greece: The most important Greek landmarks you must see, it’s a stunning example of ancient Greek architecture. It’s one of the most prominent tourist destinations in Greece, it’s distinguished by its white houses spread throughout, popular for weddings and honeymoons.๐Ÿ’Ÿ Greece is famous for its many historical Greats in philosophy.๐Ÿ“œ The national cheese of Greece,Continue reading “What Makes your country special ? (Part 6)”

What Makes your country special ? (Part 3) ๐ŸŒŒ

11-Canada: It’s a unique sport based on 2 teams, a Hockey stick and ball. The largest national reservation area in the Rockies. It’s a symbol for the city of Toronto, it’s a 553,3 m-high. The most popular food in Canada, fried potato fingers, cheese, gravy.๐ŸŸ 12-Australia: It’s a masterpiece of architecture, its shape is gleamingContinue reading “What Makes your country special ? (Part 3) ๐ŸŒŒ”

What Makes your country special ? (Part 2) ๐Ÿ€

6-Germany: An important junction square located in the center of Berlin, Germany’s capital. In the upper part of the memorial stands “Victoria”, who represents the gods of victory in Roman mythology. There used to be 5 museums, but museum were bombed during world war ii and destroyed, but the “Bergamon museum” remains open to visitors,Continue reading “What Makes your country special ? (Part 2) ๐Ÿ€”

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